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Here is where I post my deepest thoughts and my experiences ;-)

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Forgive but not forget

People make mistakes. Sometimes, they make mistakes when they're mentally drunk. Some people around might get hurt and just cry their ass out and started to hate or dislike they person who made mistakes. Then, we started to ignore her/him. Why? Why are we doing such mean things? Although we know that people make mistakes, so do I, so do you. Why are we treating someone that hurts us so badly? Let's just think, what if we are in that person's situation, regretting what we did is too late, asking for peoples' forgiveness is patheic. What else we can do? WHAT?!! I know, it isn't easy to forgive someone when they hurt/insult us so bad, but think. What if its you? And people aren't forgiving you?

People might don't know what I really felt when that person who made mistake called me and cried. You readers might think that that's just her way of getting attention, but that's not what I thought, I can feel that feeling she's feeling. And I felt like I am the bad person here. Why can't I just forgive her? Why is it hard for me to forgive her? When she called, I realized, people make mistake. We can't run away from mistakes. I really hope you readers understand the message I am trying to explain here. To you girl, I am sorry. Deep inside my heart, I really didn't mean what I said. Love!
